2/1/95 12:00 |
Ft. Lewis, WA |
Prof. mech./pilot w/ daughter witness bright green light
w/ tail descend westbound into Ft. Lewis. 2nd sightng of same. |
2/1/95 20:01 |
Memphis, TN |
Wife witnessed bright, blue light approaching very rapidly.
Turned very suddenly. Within 200 yds of witnesses. |
2/2/95 4:00 |
Seatac, WA |
Two young men report 1 red light, 3 white lights in tight
pattern over Cascade Mtns. Good rept. |
2/2/95 19:15 |
Denmark, WI |
Many witness strange craft streaking in night sky. Descended
vertically very fast, hovered. Reptd. U.S. jets in pursuit. Bizarre. |
2/2/95 20:00 |
Eastport, MI |
Retired NASA eng. sees large, white, bright obj. descend
very fast to SSW. Emitted "vapors." Called Langley AFB. |
2/2/95 20:10 |
Traverse City, MI |
4 children report seeing disc above them; bathed them in
white light. Missing time, clothes. Other observers. Dramatic. |
2/2/95 23:00 |
Shady Grove, OR |
Man and wife witness very bright, moving light over ridge
to southwest. Flashing green & red lights. Good rept. |
2/3/95 21:30 |
Romulus, MI |
Two young males rept. seeing "WW II" style bomber
fly overhead at treetop level. (Facts muddled.) |
2/3/95 23:25 |
Fontana, CA |
8 adults witness five lights in northern sky for 20 min.
Police report similar calls. Good report; sincere. |
2/4/95 |
New Orleans, LA |
New Orleans FAA ATRR called to say that they had received
a UFO report from a caller. |
2/4/95 |
Redondo Beach, CA |
Woman reports witnessing "round, white thing."
(Facts unclear.) |
2/4/95 4:37 |
Prescott, AZ |
Man reports obj. w/ red, blue, and green lights. ( Possible
twinkling star.) |
2/4/95 15:05 |
Lynnwood, WA |
Woman from aviation family witnessed bizarre bright obj.
above comm. airliner. Extended sighting. Good rept. |
2/4/95 17:33 |
Lewiston, MT |
USAF officer calls to relay report from couple who witnessed
bright white light, w/ red & blue lights. |
2/4/95 18:45 |
Lewiston, MT |
Man & wife witness bright white light w/ red & blue
lights. Moves slowly. |
2/4/95 19:00 |
Chimacum, WA |
Man reports four lights now sitting still. (Agrees they
probably are advertising lights.) |
2/4/95 19:10 |
Pt. Hadlock, WA |
Man reports witnessing 4 "white & circular lights"
in the western sky. (Advertising lights?) |
2/5/95 |
Atlanta, GA |
Comm./mil. (C-141) pilot reports "jumble" of very
bright lights. Approached his pos., crossed road, departed. Good rept.. |
2/5/95 1:30 |
Greensville, NC |
Woman and friend witnesses "striped, square" ship
streak towards them while driving home. Followed them. Good rept.. |
2/6/95 |
Bloomington, IL |
Two truckers stop trucks, witness 3 "vertical slashes
of light" beside highway. Both alarmed. Dramatic sighting. |
2/6/95 |
Boulder, CO |
NCAR Librarian calls for UFO data. Preparing report for
faculty & res. staff & wanted data. |
2/6/95 18:28 |
Little Rock, AR |
Woman reports seeing multiple strange obj., in pairs, hover
and fly very fast. Reports USAF F-16's in area at time. |
2/6/95 19:30 |
Nine Mile Falls, WA |
Man & wife witness 3 lights streaking across sky for
5 min.. Pursued by mil. aircraft. Dramatic sighting. |
2/7/95 |
Raymond, WA |
Woman witnesses object. (Facts unclear.) |
2/7/95 |
Seattle, WA |
Seattle Times reporter calls about Quilcene sighting on
07FE95. No article published. |
2/7/95 4:55 |
Quilcene, WA |
Bangor Facility empl. witnesses 6 strange lights over Quilcene,
WA, on way to work. 20 sec. sighting. Good report. |
2/7/95 16:30 |
Renton, WA |
Young man northbound on I-405 at S-Curves sees green ball
of light streak straight down. Good report. |
2/7/95 20:35 |
Tacoma, WA |
Work crew on railrodad loading dock witness approx. 9 obj.
in loose formation streaking north. Good sighting. |
2/7/95 21:10 |
Shawnee, OK |
College student walking to restaurant observes two red lights
moving overhead. |
2/7/95 23:00 |
Tidewater, OR |
Mother & son witness "star," which began to
move, first north, then south. No radar contact reported. |
2/8/95 |
Tillamook, OR |
Woman witness very bright red, white, and blue light south
of town. "Like triangle." |
2/8/95 5:30 |
N. Bend, WA |
Young couple witness very bright "diamond" w/
lights on multiple occasions. Other reports from same area. |
2/8/95 18:32 |
Renton, WA |
Woman reports that son & playmates witness large, black
circular craft. Multiple sightings. (Facts unclear.) |
2/9/95 |
Huntington Beach, CA |
Reporter for Orange County newspaper calls to enquire about
sighting reports in area. Many calls reported. |
2/9/95 |
Auburn, ME |
Girl reports sighting strange object. ( Facts unclear.) |
2/9/95 17:40 |
Anaheim, CA |
Man calls to rept. two sightings in Anaheim on two sequential
days. Sightings reptd. by many witnesses & local newspaper. |
2/9/95 19:00 |
Vancouver, WA |
Woman witnesses 3 very bright lights east of I-5. Maneuvered
in sky instantaneously. Green & white. |
2/9/95 19:00 |
Vancouver, WA |
Man repts. seeing bright lights over I-5 and east. ( Put
in contact w/ other observers.) |
2/10/95 |
Oregon City, OR |
Woman & daughter witness strange, large cloud formation.
Daughter saw an actual object in cloud. |
2/10/95 |
Seattle, WA |
Woman, out walking dog, sees bright bluish light rise from
Pug. Sound, turn, then zip off. No sound. Good rept. |
2/10/95 |
Billings, MT |
Police dept. calls to report several sighting reports. |
2/10/95 20:30 |
Cannon Beach, OR |
Man in motel room sees "flash of red light in eyes."
Sees bright light in room. Sees bright "star" below overcast
to south. |
2/12/95 0:45 |
Elisabethtown, KY |
Family members witness 5 lights in sky hover, "jump,"
then disappear. Several nights. TV coverage. |
2/12/95 6:25 |
McKinleyville, CA |
Man sees two delta-shaped "aircraft," w/ lights
blinking in sequence. Within 400 yards. Police cars nearby. |
2/12/95 21:00 |
El Cerrito, CA |
Young woman reports red streak passing east to south over
Lawrence Livermore facility. |
2/12/95 22:30 |
Gustavus, AK |
Boatload of young fisherman witness very large, orange obj.
It returns their light signal, then zips off. |
2/13/95 22:15 |
Cheboygan, MI |
Bizarre "aircraft" w/ 8-12 flashing lights flies
silently over man's vehicle, turns, flies north. Many other sightings. |
2/14/95 23:28 |
Chico, CA |
Woman calls to report that 3 children reported seeing "round,
alien ship" overhead, w/ yellow, orange, red, white lights. |
2/15/95 3:58 |
Nashville, TN |
Man saw strange light move slowly across sky, stop, then
streak off. 10 second sighting. |
2/15/95 4:40 |
Fair Oaks, NY |
Woman witnessed very bright white light w/ strange "shadow"
around it. Moved very slowly. |
2/15/95 21:00 |
Santa Rosa, CA |
Woman sees bright flash, then witnesses large, iridescent,
"sparkly" obj. streak north. Not meteorite. |
2/15/95 21:00 |
Liberal, KS |
Man reports witnessing "neon light" hovering in
southern sky. Obj. shoots off & disappears. |
2/16/95 |
Sacramento, CA |
CA Hwy Patrol Office of Res. & Planning calls to request
info. about UFO Rept. Center. |
2/16/95 |
Johnson City, TN |
Founder/director of U.S.UFO Info. & Res. Cntr. calls.
Proposes collaboration w/ Nat. UFO Rept. Cntr. |
2/16/95 19:26 |
Albuquerque, NM |
Man calls to report large disc witnessed by occupants of
7 cars 40 mi. NW of Albuquerque. Streaks off fast. |
2/16/95 23:10 |
Kalamazoo, MI |
Former artillery officer witnesses 4-5 ships streaking E
to W south of city. Flash w/atmospheric boom 5 hrs. earlier. Good rept. |
2/16/95 23:15 |
PawPaw, MI |
Man & wife awakened by immensely loud roaring sound.
See 5 bizarre craft hovering nearby in formation! Good rept.. |
2/16/95 23:45 |
Kalamazoo, MI |
Man report seeing multiple objects moving east (!). Watches
them for five minutes. (See other sightings above.) |
2/16/95 23:45 |
Des Plaines, IL |
FAA Regional Office calls to confirm multiple sighting reports
received on previous evening. |
2/17/95 22:30 |
Seatac, WA |
Very responsible woman rept. seeing a white "ball of
light" descend, hover, move south. 2/3 dia. of full moon. |
2/18/95 12:00 |
Vantage, WA |
Young rock climber repts. town of Vantage closed by police.
He and partner had seen hovering obj. N of town. |
2/18/95 18:00 |
Warren, IL |
Woman w/ kids see 3 "space shuttle" type craft
hover, streak. Eject smaller objects (!). Many witnesses. Good rept. |
2/18/95 21:00 |
Kalamazoo, MI |
Man calls to rept. his mother saw strange light in sky.
Details sketchy.(No follow-up call.) |
2/19/95 0:05 |
Fargo, ND |
Red light seen over Fargo below clouds. Hovered for 10 min.,
faded, flashed, slowly moved east. Seen twice. |
2/19/95 0:15 |
Mountlake Terrace, WA |
Man repts. seeing 4 circular dots of light in a row, connected
by "streak of light." Color of "static electricity." |
2/19/95 3:00 |
Whiteman AFB, MO |
USAF officer calls to report receipt of UFO report from
citizen in vicinity of base. ( Facts unclear.) |
2/19/95 19:00 |
Seattle, WA |
Nat. UFO Center Director makes 3 hour appearance on national
radio program. Multiple calls follow for 2 days. |
2/19/95 19:00 |
Fenton, MI |
Man repts. moving obj. w/ strange lights moving E to W.
Hovered below overcast (?). |
2/19/95 22:00 |
Phoenix, AZ |
Indep. UFO investigator calls to introduce self. Is tracking
Holland, MI, 08MR94 sighting w/ radar contacts. |
2/20/95 13:00 |
Albuquerque, NM |
Retired Sandia Labs. engineer calls seeking plans for building
UFO detector. |
2/20/95 18:00 |
Warren, IL |
2nd sighting report of 6 strange objects hovering over town.
Looked like space shuttle. Many witnesses. |
2/21/95 1:10 |
Lake Tahuyeh, WA |
MUFON member reports gigantic, black ship passes NNE over
house at 5 mph. 20 min sighting. Good rept. |
2/21/95 3:00 |
Sprague River, OR |
Man was going to bed and noticed "moving star."
Object appeared large, and was dipping and weaving. Disappeared |
2/21/95 19:00 |
Lynnwood, WA |
Man repts. seeing very large, very bright object pass overhead.
Moving E, then turns to NE. 2nd sighting. |
2/21/95 19:00 |
Council Bluffs, IA |
Young man sees 3 solid lights; pulls off highway. Sees gigantic,
gray triangle w/ "archways." Good rept, excellent drawing. |
2/21/95 20:30 |
Colville Reservation, WA |
Colville Police Disp. repts. "blue, shimmering thing"
observed. Then it "blew up," and disappeared. |
2/21/95 21:30 |
Yakima, WA |
Man sees bright light approaching; prominent in night sky.
Splits into 3 lights, 1 white, 2 red. Drifts off. |
2/22/95 1:15 |
St. Louis, MO |
Police off. sees strange "plate" streaking over
city. 50-100yds length. Strange glow. "Inch worm" type flight.
Excellent rept. |
2/22/95 2:30 |
Woodinville, WA |
Woman lets dog out, sees whole street illuminated "like
daylight." Sees slanting shaft of light. Bizarre! |
2/22/95 5:36 |
Vancouver, WA |
Multiple witnesses, newspaper article about green obj streaking
to north. Many calls to media. |
2/22/95 5:37 |
Seattle, WA |
Multiple calls regarding green obj. streaking NNW from Renton
to Paine Field. Low alt. (?) One witness repts. it hovered. |
2/22/95 5:45 |
Mill Creek, WA |
Woman observed bizarre, stationary blue-green light for
2-3 min. Disappeared suddenly. |
2/22/95 20:00 |
Kent, WA |
MUFON member repts. strange contrails in sky over Kent. |
2/22/95 23:00 |
Auburn, WA |
Woman repts. very bright obj. in S sky. Brighter than star.
Not visible 23FE95. |
2/23/95 |
Seattle, WA |
Multiple calls continue to come in regarding green fireball
that flew from Portland to Seattle 22FE95 @ 0537 hrs. No sonic boom. |
2/23/95 0:05 |
Tacoma, WA |
Mother & son witness strange lighted obj. in S sky.
Moved relative to trees. Slowly rose & disappeared. |
2/23/95 18:20 |
Snohomish, WA |
Man, wife, & grandson witness elongate obj. E of Rte.
9. Boy identifies it as "spaceship." Serious report. |
2/23/95 21:00 |
El Centro, CA |
Man repts. multiple sightings of "huge boomerang,"
and obj. in formation neat El Centro MCAS over 2 days. |
2/23/95 22:00 |
Lexington, KY |
Woman, radio DJ witness gray "barrel-like" obj.,
red light in center. Dog barked, acted strangely for 2 days. |
2/23/95 22:00 |
Redding, CA |
Woman repts. hearing very loud noise outside house, sees
huge, bizarre, black "helicopters." Strange! |
2/24/95 20:45 |
Fernley, NV |
Woman repts. 2 sightings of red light hovering. Turns white.
For some reason, 4-yr. old daughter frightened by sighting. |
2/24/95 23:00 |
Cam Highway(?), HI |
Woman repts. multiple lighted obj. moving over ocean to
NW. Prior sightings, as well. |
2/24/95 23:45 |
Mercer Island, WA |
Woman repts. a bright, stationary light in N sky, 2-3 deg.
above horizon. Red, blue, white. (Star?) |
2/25/95 20:20 |
Portland, OR |
Man repts. strange green light behind clouds. Seemed to
generate "ripple" effect in atmosphere. |
2/26/95 20:00 |
Tallassee, TN |
FAA empl. & pilot reports seeing triangular ships w/
bizarre lights. Over mountainous country. |
2/26/95 21:00 |
Stanwood, WA |
Multiple witnesses observe 2 white lights near Camano Island.
Moved. MUFON member followed up. |
2/26/95 23:30 |
Mt. Vernon, WA |
Man repts. strange light in SW sky, 30 deg. above horizon.
(Twinkling star?) |
2/27/95 12:00 |
Harrisburg, PA |
Mennonite College instructor reports UFO flap is in process
in that area of PN. |
2/27/95 19:59 |
Mukilteo, WA |
Man sees very bright light descend vertically, very fast.
Appears to descend to ground level beyond tree line. |
2/28/95 5:00 |
Electric City, WA |
Man repts. seeing large, silver sphere in morning sky. Military-type
jet flew toward it. |
2/28/95 19:00 |
Harrisonburg, VA |
Journalist calls seeking information regarding recent multiple
sightings near Harrisonburg, VA. |
2/28/95 22:00 |
Eastgate, WA |
Woman witnessed strange, blinking light in SW sky. It simply
winked out suddenly. |